Born: May 28, 2008 - 8:52 AM
5 lbs. 7 oz.
18 1/2"
So, did you notice his weight and length? He is tiny. My sweet little doll, absolutely adorable. Thankfully he was totally healthy, just little. (Don't let him fool you, tiny size does not equal tiny voice! He's got a great set of lungs on him!)
Colby being born so little has sparked a few crafting opportunities.
Do you remember the little white blessing romper that I made a month or so ago; before Colby was born? Ummm...at least three Colbys would have fit into it. It was ginormous compared to his not ginormousness! Needless to say, it was so big that there was no way to alter it to fit him, I had to make a completely new one for his blessing last weekend.
Colby being born so little has sparked a few crafting opportunities.
Do you remember the little white blessing romper that I made a month or so ago; before Colby was born? Ummm...at least three Colbys would have fit into it. It was ginormous compared to his not ginormousness! Needless to say, it was so big that there was no way to alter it to fit him, I had to make a completely new one for his blessing last weekend.
Here is Colby in the 2nd finished product. a.k.a. mini romper
To give you a little comparison of the size difference. Here is a refrence! 
So, if you know somebody who needs a white romper to fit a 'normal' size baby boy, let me know, I have no need for two! Hey, on the bright side the second one whipped up pretty quick since I'd already sewn one a few weeks ago.
I've been busy with a few other projects, but I hear a little boy calling my name in the form of a cry... it must be time to eat again! I'll post again soon, I am finally feeling like I'm back to the land of the living.
I've been busy with a few other projects, but I hear a little boy calling my name in the form of a cry... it must be time to eat again! I'll post again soon, I am finally feeling like I'm back to the land of the living.