So although I haven't posted any fun pictures or projects lately, I have actually been sewing quite a bit. Some of what I've been sewing hasn't been fun crafty stuff, just things on my list that have needed to get done.
1 - I think I can be considered a 'real' seamstress now, as I have sewn and mastered my first blind hem stitch! Seriously, these baffled me in the past, but I figured it out and was able to hem my son's suit pants all by myself. Actually, I had to take the waste in too. Hooray for me not having to call my mom to do it! It's nice to feel a little more confident in my abilities.
2 - A friend contacted me a few weeks ago and needed some help mending her grandfather's boat cover. Yep, I said boat cover! As in a big ole ski boat with a HUGE canvas cover. There were a few tares in the cover and the boating place wanted like $800 to fix it. OUTRAGEOUS! While I wasn't willing to use my new machine to do the job, I pullout out my trusty older Singer and did the job quite well. I will admit though, It is the first time that I have ever broken a sweat while sewing! Heaving and moving around all that yardage of heavy material was not easy.
3 - I have been intermittently working on a scrap quilt. I haven't decided weather I'm going to keep it for my family or find a charity to pass it along to. Other than the sashing it's totally made from scraps in my stash. I'll post pictures of it when I get the top done.
4 - Another quick project I picked up last night was to make straps for my neighbor's prom dress and sew a little filler in the open back. Lucky for us the dress came with a nice big shrug thing, so we've got plenty of matching material to work with.
I'm not sure how I get roped into some of the crazy projects for my friends, but what do you do? I love them and try to help when I can. I joke that I work for food, but really I look at it as 'paying it forward'. Hopefully one day when I am in need of one of their services they'll return the favor! (I will admit that I charged a bit for sewing the boat cover, that was a crazy project and I saved them a TON of $!)
Countdown to Christmas
4 months ago