I have one of those projects on the horizon!
Not that I don't still have plenty of other posts and photos to share of my past projects, but I have to share my excitement some where. I figure since this is my blog than it is okay to ramble a bit, right?
I am patiently (okay, not so patiently) waiting for a package in the mail from the Fat Quarter Shop. (Side note: totally not being paid to say this, but I LOVE shopping online at the Fat Quarter Shop! I'm a regular!) I'm making my first quilt from this book...

I'm making this quilt for my friend, in trade for her awesome photography skilz! I think what I am most excited about is the color pallet... Greys, blacks, creams, whites, and yellows. I think it's going to be divine!
Enough rambling...off to go clear off my sewing 'to-do' list and clean up my cutting table so that I can get to work as soon as the package arrives!
Woo hoooooooo!!!!