Here's a little nugget about me that you probably didn't know...I like to golf!
As if I didn't already have a few hundred other things on my plate right now, I decided this summer that I really like golfing. (Translate - I LIKE golfing, I am a golfer, I am
not good at golfing!) Growing up, my parents and brothers played golf, but I never got the itch to play. I am married to a wonderful man who loves golfing (and actually is pretty decent!), and I have a five year old who is enamored with the sport. I guess it was inevitable that golfing would become a part in my life too. I must admit, now that I've given it a chance, (loosing some weight has definitely made it more enjoyable too) I'm HOOKED!
So, when one is a crafter and finds herself in need of a golf towel, one can not just buy a regular old golf towel, one must make a personalized golf towel!

Half a hand towel, some scrap fabric, a little wonder under, and a few minutes at the sewing machine and...voila!

I made it just for fun for me to enjoy, you know, a little piece of my personality out on the course, but I actually think my mom and sister-in-laws might be getting something like it as part of their Christmas gifts. I won't subject my husband to something so 'cutsey', but my 5 year old, Kyle would probably get a kick out of a towel for his golf bag that has his name on it too. Oh the possibilities!
(K-man getting ready to head out golfing with dad.)Do you want one for yourself or someone you love? Feel free to contact me, I'm sure we can figure something out!