A friend of mine asked me to make a scripture tote for her tween daughter (for Christmas). She didn't give me too much direction, just that she wanted her to have something fun. Translated in my mind meant 'sassy and blingy!' I'm a little worried that I took it just one step too far though...

I'm on the fence about the blinged out handle.

I didn't have a pattern to follow, so what you see is just some crazy concoction that I worked out in my mind.

When I dropped the tote off to my friend a few days ago, I was a little worried. Hoping that she would like it. Success! She loved it (or at least didn't want to hurt my feelings!) And said that if her daughter wasn't enthralled with it, than she would keep it for herself.

Changes for next time, if there is a next time...
*The ruffle needs to be skinnier, not so wide.
*The stiff craft-bond interfacing was tough to work with, use regular interfacing next time and the craft bond on JUST the bottom.
*To bling the handle or not to bling the handle? That is the question!
I think it is just darling! Perfect for an tween!! I think the bling on the handle is perfect, for the age. If it were me I'd probably prefer without it. But I know if it were my daughters she would LOVE it as is! You did a amazing job for not having a pattern and making it up yourself. Im so impressed.. wish I could sew! I love love love the pink cheetah print!