So my mother-in-law finished this quilt
top last fall. She promptly sent it my way and asked me to quilt it.

I put it on my to-do list...and there it sat. For almost a whole year. Oops! Now that fall is officially on its way, I knew there could be no more procrastinating. Just this last week I got it basted, quilted, bound and sent back to Utah!
I had a really tough time deciding how to quilt this, which is a great part of the procrastination. I LOVE free-motion quilting, but the inspiration on how to go about this quilt kept alluding me. I finally had to just jump in. Here's what I decided to do...
I 'traced' each of the pumpkins and leaves on the panel and stippled the dark brown 'background'.

Then I decided to straight line quilt through the blocks bordering the panel, and then stipple the far outside edges.

It's a little crazy, but I think I'm happy with how it turned out.
I'm excited to hear what my mother-in-law's reaction is to it. She didn't give me any direction on how she'd like it quilted, so I just hope she's happy with it.
Since she's family and all, and since I had the top in my possession for so long, I decided to bind it for her too, so she could get a finished quilt in the mail.